This project allows to use a mobile phone as controller on consoles or for pc games. On this research stage, gamepad works with RetroPi but in near future plan is to extend for other consoles like Play Station, Xbox, etc.
Mobile Gamepad is designed for possibilities on mobile phone but layout is prepared for most advance games. This is research project and from user experience will be well-fitted for gamers.
User has to install software (available on github) on device where is installed RetroPi. A mobile phone has to be connected to this same wireless network.
When device is connected to this same wireless then next step is to open a website in the browser on a mobile phone. Instruction available on github for RetroPi. Website with layout for gamepad can be added as a shortcut to mobile desktop. The icon in mobile device allows run a gamepad in each time, when we want use this software as controller for games.
In the future mobile gamepad will be extended about additional innovation future, which allows use motion sensor from mobile phone as second joystick.
This future allows play in more advance games like Quake, Unreal Tournament etc. and can be used also as mouse for strategic games.
We are still looking for people who would like support our research project. You can support us by financial, marketing, idea, etc. which allow us develop project and provide better solution.
If you find some issue in mobile gamepad then please create ticket then we do our best to sort it out as quickly as possible.
This is an open source project. If you like it and you would like to contribute to progress then please help us and donate mobilegamepad project. Your contribution allows build it for other consoles and adds new features.
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